
These pen and ink illustrations were done between 1980 and 1984 when my daughter Brianna came into our lives. Some were later used in a book on childbirth. Above-When I was Young –(1969) Pen and ink Waiting-1980-pen and ink. Above-The Arrival-Pen and ink. Above-Pregancy-Pen and ink. The Child-pen and ink.   Above-Madonna-1979 Above-We had a… Continue reading Childbirth

Science Fiction

Between about 1968 and 1972 I illustrated for the award winning New Worlds Magazine in London. From about 1967-1972 I was illustrating for New Worlds which was a London based science fiction magazine. At that time the constraint of publication demanded that the work only be in black and white with no colour. “Speculative Fiction”… Continue reading Science Fiction

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The Wirewalker– 8×10 Ink drawing 1967

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Early Pencil Sketches

Above-Charcoal drawing of male nude. 1976 Top of page-Self Portrait– (1975) Above– Woman Sitting– 1968 Above-Drawing of my wife brushing her once long hair using a continuous ink line.1977 Above-David a friend in San Francisco 1972 Below-Ruth from same time period. Above and below– Charcoal drawing of earthenware jugs.  

Icons for the Spirit

These are images relating to Spiritual experiences during the late sixties early seventies.. Yin and Yang-ink drawing 1968 As above so below. Below–Celtic Heart ink on paper line drawing (1968) Below–Scarabus-(1968) Below-Mindflower-(1972) Below-Inner Sun Above-Heartwave-1974 Below-Mudra-1975 Above-Libra rising 1971 Below-Illustration to a poem by Charles Cameron “you have dew on your face and the moon… Continue reading Icons for the Spirit

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    All of my early images were influenced by the work of Aubrey Beardsley and Edmund Du Lac, Maxfield Parrish and the early drawings of Heath Robinson. The choice was obvious because they were all masters of pen and ink. In art school too it was emphasized that one cannot understand colour until one… Continue reading Illustrations-1967-72

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Landscape illustration

Above-White House Ruin-canyon De Chelly-Pencil 1976 Alfriston– Ink drawing. Part of a series on English villages.

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