


All of my early images were influenced by the work of Aubrey Beardsley and Edmund Du Lac, Maxfield Parrish and the early drawings of Heath Robinson. The choice was obvious because they were all masters of pen and ink. In art school too it was emphasized that one cannot understand colour until one has mastered black and white.

Above-Ink drawing for a poetry journal 1967



Ink drawing for a poetry journal (Acrospherical Meanderings In A Tongue Of the Time) of Amanita Muscaria. 1968


Above-Maize. Part of an advertising series for a natural foods store in London 1972

Below- Part of same series. Chives.



Above and Below-Excalibur 1976

Below– Janus the God of the New Year


Below-Fawn-ink 1980

Below-Page from a journal while visiting a gypsy caravan in Wales.

Above– A Celtic inspired face.